Adding Viewer Preferences

It is possible to set viewer preferences of the PDF file. These properties are described in Section 12.2 of the PDF 1.7 specification.

Note that the \ViewerPreferences dictionary does not exist by default. If it’s not already present, it must be created by calling the create_viewer_preferences method of the PdfWriter object.

If viewer preferences exist in a PDF file being read with PdfReader, you can access them as properties of the viewer_preferences properties. Otherwise, the viewer_preferences property will be set to None.


from pypdf import PdfWriter
from pypdf.generic import ArrayObject, NumberObject

writer = PdfWriter()


# /HideToolbar
writer.viewer_preferences.hide_toolbar = True
# /HideMenubar
writer.viewer_preferences.hide_menubar = True
# /HideWindowUI
writer.viewer_preferences.hide_windowui = True
# /FitWindow
writer.viewer_preferences.fit_window = True
# /CenterWindow
writer.viewer_preferences.center_window = True
# /DisplayDocTitle
writer.viewer_preferences.display_doctitle = True

# /NonFullScreenPageMode
writer.viewer_preferences.non_fullscreen_pagemode = "/UseNone"  # default
writer.viewer_preferences.non_fullscreen_pagemode = "/UseOutlines"
writer.viewer_preferences.non_fullscreen_pagemode = "/UseThumbs"
writer.viewer_preferences.non_fullscreen_pagemode = "/UseOC"

# /Direction
writer.viewer_preferences.direction = "/L2R"  # default,
writer.viewer_preferences.direction = "/R2L"

# /ViewArea
writer.viewer_preferences.view_area = "/CropBox"
# /ViewClip
writer.viewer_preferences.view_clip = "/CropBox"
# /PrintArea
writer.viewer_preferences.print_area = "/CropBox"
# /PrintClip
writer.viewer_preferences.print_clip = "/CropBox"

# /PrintScaling
writer.viewer_preferences.print_scaling = "/None"
writer.viewer_preferences.print_scaling = "/AppDefault"  # default according to PDF spec

# /Duplex
writer.viewer_preferences.duplex = "/Simplex"
writer.viewer_preferences.duplex = "/DuplexFlipShortEdge"
writer.viewer_preferences.duplex = "/DuplexFlipLongEdge"

# /PickTrayByPDFSize
writer.viewer_preferences.pick_tray_by_pdfsize = True
# /PrintPageRange
writer.viewer_preferences.print_pagerange = ArrayObject(
    [NumberObject("1"), NumberObject("10"), NumberObject("20"), NumberObject("30")]
# /NumCopies
writer.viewer_preferences.num_copies = 2

for i in range(40):
    writer.add_blank_page(10, 10)

with open("output.pdf", "wb") as output_stream: