Source code for pypdf.constants

See Portable Document Format Reference Manual, 1993. ISBN 0-201-62628-4.


PDF Reference, third edition, Version 1.4, 2001. ISBN 0-201-75839-3.

PDF Reference, sixth edition, Version 1.7, 2006.

ISO 32000-2:2020 (PDF 2.0).

from enum import IntFlag, auto
from typing import Dict, Tuple

from ._utils import deprecate_with_replacement

class Core:
    """Keywords that don't quite belong anywhere else."""

    OUTLINES = "/Outlines"
    THREADS = "/Threads"
    PAGE = "/Page"
    PAGES = "/Pages"
    CATALOG = "/Catalog"

class TrailerKeys:
    ROOT = "/Root"
    ENCRYPT = "/Encrypt"
    ID = "/ID"
    INFO = "/Info"
    SIZE = "/Size"

class CatalogAttributes:
    NAMES = "/Names"
    DESTS = "/Dests"

class EncryptionDictAttributes:
    Additional encryption dictionary entries for the standard security handler.

    Table 3.19, Page 122.
    Table 21 of the 2.0 manual.

    R = "/R"  # number, required; revision of the standard security handler
    O = "/O"  # 32-byte string, required  # noqa
    U = "/U"  # 32-byte string, required
    P = "/P"  # integer flag, required; permitted operations
    ENCRYPT_METADATA = "/EncryptMetadata"  # boolean flag, optional

[docs]class UserAccessPermissions(IntFlag): """ Table 3.20 User access permissions. Table 22 of the 2.0 manual. """ R1 = 1 R2 = 2 PRINT = 4 MODIFY = 8 EXTRACT = 16 ADD_OR_MODIFY = 32 R7 = 64 R8 = 128 FILL_FORM_FIELDS = 256 EXTRACT_TEXT_AND_GRAPHICS = 512 ASSEMBLE_DOC = 1024 PRINT_TO_REPRESENTATION = 2048 R13 = 2**12 R14 = 2**13 R15 = 2**14 R16 = 2**15 R17 = 2**16 R18 = 2**17 R19 = 2**18 R20 = 2**19 R21 = 2**20 R22 = 2**21 R23 = 2**22 R24 = 2**23 R25 = 2**24 R26 = 2**25 R27 = 2**26 R28 = 2**27 R29 = 2**28 R30 = 2**29 R31 = 2**30 R32 = 2**31 @classmethod def _is_reserved(cls, name: str) -> bool: """Check if the given name corresponds to a reserved flag entry.""" return name.startswith("R") and name[1:].isdigit() @classmethod def _is_active(cls, name: str) -> bool: """Check if the given reserved name defaults to 1 = active.""" return name not in {"R1", "R2"}
[docs] def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, bool]: """Convert the given flag value to a corresponding verbose name mapping.""" result: Dict[str, bool] = {} for name, flag in UserAccessPermissions.__members__.items(): if UserAccessPermissions._is_reserved(name): continue result[name.lower()] = (self & flag) == flag return result
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, value: Dict[str, bool]) -> "UserAccessPermissions": """Convert the verbose name mapping to the corresponding flag value.""" value_copy = value.copy() result = cls(0) for name, flag in cls.__members__.items(): if cls._is_reserved(name): # Reserved names have a required value. Use it. if cls._is_active(name): result |= flag continue is_active = value_copy.pop(name.lower(), False) if is_active: result |= flag if value_copy: raise ValueError(f"Unknown dictionary keys: {value_copy!r}") return result
[docs] @classmethod def all(cls) -> "UserAccessPermissions": return cls((2**32 - 1) - cls.R1 - cls.R2)
class Resources: """ Table 3.30 Entries in a resource dictionary. used to be Ressources Table 34 in the 2.0 reference. """ EXT_G_STATE = "/ExtGState" # dictionary, optional COLOR_SPACE = "/ColorSpace" # dictionary, optional PATTERN = "/Pattern" # dictionary, optional SHADING = "/Shading" # dictionary, optional XOBJECT = "/XObject" # dictionary, optional FONT = "/Font" # dictionary, optional PROC_SET = "/ProcSet" # array, optional PROPERTIES = "/Properties" # dictionary, optional class Ressources: # deprecated """ Use :class: `Resources` instead. .. deprecated:: 5.0.0 """ @classmethod # type: ignore @property def EXT_G_STATE(cls) -> str: deprecate_with_replacement("Ressources", "Resources", "5.0.0") return "/ExtGState" # dictionary, optional @classmethod # type: ignore @property def COLOR_SPACE(cls) -> str: deprecate_with_replacement("Ressources", "Resources", "5.0.0") return "/ColorSpace" # dictionary, optional @classmethod # type: ignore @property def PATTERN(cls) -> str: deprecate_with_replacement("Ressources", "Resources", "5.0.0") return "/Pattern" # dictionary, optional @classmethod # type: ignore @property def SHADING(cls) -> str: deprecate_with_replacement("Ressources", "Resources", "5.0.0") return "/Shading" # dictionary, optional @classmethod # type: ignore @property def XOBJECT(cls) -> str: deprecate_with_replacement("Ressources", "Resources", "5.0.0") return "/XObject" # dictionary, optional @classmethod # type: ignore @property def FONT(cls) -> str: deprecate_with_replacement("Ressources", "Resources", "5.0.0") return "/Font" # dictionary, optional @classmethod # type: ignore @property def PROC_SET(cls) -> str: deprecate_with_replacement("Ressources", "Resources", "5.0.0") return "/ProcSet" # array, optional @classmethod # type: ignore @property def PROPERTIES(cls) -> str: deprecate_with_replacement("Ressources", "Resources", "5.0.0") return "/Properties" # dictionary, optional class PagesAttributes: """ Page Attributes, Table 6.2, Page 52. Page tree node, Table 30 in the 2.0 reference. """ TYPE = "/Type" # name, required; must be /Pages PARENT = "/Parent" # dictionary, required; indirect reference to pages object KIDS = "/Kids" # array, required; List of indirect references COUNT = "/Count" # integer, required; the number of all nodes und this node class PageAttributes: """ Table 3.27 Entries in a page object. Table 31 in the 2.0 reference. """ TYPE = "/Type" # name, required; must be /Page PARENT = "/Parent" # dictionary, required; a pages object LAST_MODIFIED = ( "/LastModified" # date, optional; date and time of last modification ) RESOURCES = "/Resources" # dictionary, required if there are any MEDIABOX = "/MediaBox" # rectangle, required; rectangle specifying page size CROPBOX = "/CropBox" # rectangle, optional; rectangle BLEEDBOX = "/BleedBox" # rectangle, optional; rectangle TRIMBOX = "/TrimBox" # rectangle, optional; rectangle ARTBOX = "/ArtBox" # rectangle, optional; rectangle BOX_COLOR_INFO = "/BoxColorInfo" # dictionary, optional CONTENTS = "/Contents" # stream or array, optional ROTATE = "/Rotate" # integer, optional; page rotation in degrees GROUP = "/Group" # dictionary, optional; page group THUMB = "/Thumb" # stream, optional; indirect reference to image of the page B = "/B" # array, optional DUR = "/Dur" # number, optional TRANS = "/Trans" # dictionary, optional ANNOTS = "/Annots" # array, optional; an array of annotations AA = "/AA" # dictionary, optional METADATA = "/Metadata" # stream, optional PIECE_INFO = "/PieceInfo" # dictionary, optional STRUCT_PARENTS = "/StructParents" # integer, optional ID = "/ID" # byte string, optional PZ = "/PZ" # number, optional TABS = "/Tabs" # name, optional TEMPLATE_INSTANTIATED = "/TemplateInstantiated" # name, optional PRES_STEPS = "/PresSteps" # dictionary, optional USER_UNIT = "/UserUnit" # number, optional VP = "/VP" # dictionary, optional class FileSpecificationDictionaryEntries: """Table 3.41 Entries in a file specification dictionary.""" Type = "/Type" FS = "/FS" # The name of the file system to be used to interpret this file specification F = "/F" # A file specification string of the form described in Section 3.10.1 UF = "/UF" # A unicode string of the file as described in Section 3.10.1 DOS = "/DOS" Mac = "/Mac" Unix = "/Unix" ID = "/ID" V = "/V" EF = "/EF" # dictionary, containing a subset of the keys F , UF , DOS , Mac , and Unix RF = "/RF" # dictionary, containing arrays of /EmbeddedFile DESC = "/Desc" # description of the file Cl = "/Cl" class StreamAttributes: """ Table 4.2. Table 5 in the 2.0 reference. """ LENGTH = "/Length" # integer, required FILTER = "/Filter" # name or array of names, optional DECODE_PARMS = "/DecodeParms" # variable, optional -- 'decodeParams is wrong class FilterTypes: """ Table 4.3 of the 1.4 Manual. Page 354 of the 1.7 Manual. Table 6 of the 2.0 manual. """ ASCII_HEX_DECODE = "/ASCIIHexDecode" # abbreviation: AHx ASCII_85_DECODE = "/ASCII85Decode" # abbreviation: A85 LZW_DECODE = "/LZWDecode" # abbreviation: LZW FLATE_DECODE = "/FlateDecode" # abbreviation: Fl, PDF 1.2 RUN_LENGTH_DECODE = "/RunLengthDecode" # abbreviation: RL CCITT_FAX_DECODE = "/CCITTFaxDecode" # abbreviation: CCF DCT_DECODE = "/DCTDecode" # abbreviation: DCT JPX_DECODE = "/JPXDecode" class FilterTypeAbbreviations: """ Table 4.44 of the 1.7 Manual (page 353ff). Table 92 of the 2.0 manual. """ AHx = "/AHx" A85 = "/A85" LZW = "/LZW" FL = "/Fl" # FlateDecode RL = "/RL" CCF = "/CCF" DCT = "/DCT" class LzwFilterParameters: """ Table 4.4. Table 8 in the 2.0 reference. """ PREDICTOR = "/Predictor" # integer COLORS = "/Colors" # integer BITS_PER_COMPONENT = "/BitsPerComponent" # integer COLUMNS = "/Columns" # integer EARLY_CHANGE = "/EarlyChange" # integer class CcittFaxDecodeParameters: """ Table 4.5. Table 11 in the 2.0 reference. """ K = "/K" # integer END_OF_LINE = "/EndOfLine" # boolean ENCODED_BYTE_ALIGN = "/EncodedByteAlign" # boolean COLUMNS = "/Columns" # integer ROWS = "/Rows" # integer END_OF_BLOCK = "/EndOfBlock" # boolean BLACK_IS_1 = "/BlackIs1" # boolean DAMAGED_ROWS_BEFORE_ERROR = "/DamagedRowsBeforeError" # integer class ImageAttributes: """Table 4.39 PDF Reference 1.7 page 340+""" TYPE = "/Type" # name, required; must be /XObject SUBTYPE = "/Subtype" # name, required; must be /Image NAME = "/Name" # name, required WIDTH = "/Width" # integer, required HEIGHT = "/Height" # integer, required BITS_PER_COMPONENT = "/BitsPerComponent" # integer, required COLOR_SPACE = "/ColorSpace" # name, required DECODE = "/Decode" # array, optional INTENT = "/Intent" # string, optional INTERPOLATE = "/Interpolate" # boolean, optional IMAGE_MASK = "/ImageMask" # boolean, optional MASK = "/Mask" # 1-bit image mask stream S_MASK = "/SMask" # dictionary or name, optional class ColorSpaces: DEVICE_RGB = "/DeviceRGB" DEVICE_CMYK = "/DeviceCMYK" DEVICE_GRAY = "/DeviceGray" class TypArguments: """Table 8.2 of the PDF 1.7 reference.""" LEFT = "/Left" RIGHT = "/Right" BOTTOM = "/Bottom" TOP = "/Top" class TypFitArguments: """Table 8.2 of the PDF 1.7 reference.""" FIT = "/Fit" FIT_V = "/FitV" FIT_BV = "/FitBV" FIT_B = "/FitB" FIT_H = "/FitH" FIT_BH = "/FitBH" FIT_R = "/FitR" XYZ = "/XYZ" class GoToActionArguments: S = "/S" # name, required: type of action D = "/D" # name / byte string /array, required: Destination to jump to class AnnotationDictionaryAttributes: """Table 8.15 Entries common to all annotation dictionaries.""" Type = "/Type" Subtype = "/Subtype" Rect = "/Rect" Contents = "/Contents" P = "/P" NM = "/NM" M = "/M" F = "/F" AP = "/AP" AS = "/AS" DA = "/DA" Border = "/Border" C = "/C" StructParent = "/StructParent" OC = "/OC" class InteractiveFormDictEntries: Fields = "/Fields" NeedAppearances = "/NeedAppearances" SigFlags = "/SigFlags" CO = "/CO" DR = "/DR" DA = "/DA" Q = "/Q" XFA = "/XFA" class FieldDictionaryAttributes: """Table 8.69 Entries common to all field dictionaries (PDF 1.7 reference).""" FT = "/FT" # name, required for terminal fields Parent = "/Parent" # dictionary, required for children Kids = "/Kids" # array, sometimes required T = "/T" # text string, optional TU = "/TU" # text string, optional TM = "/TM" # text string, optional Ff = "/Ff" # integer, optional V = "/V" # text string or array, optional DV = "/DV" # text string, optional AA = "/AA" # dictionary, optional Opt = "/Opt" class FfBits: ReadOnly = 1 << 0 Required = 1 << 1 NoExport = 1 << 2 Multiline = 1 << 12 # Tx Table 8.77 Password = 1 << 13 # Tx NoToggleToOff = 1 << 14 # Btn table 8.75 Radio = 1 << 15 # Btn Pushbutton = 1 << 16 # Btn Combo = 1 << 17 # Ch table 8.79 Edit = 1 << 18 # Ch Sort = 1 << 19 # Ch FileSelect = 1 << 20 # Tx MultiSelect = 1 << 21 # Ch DoNotSpellCheck = 1 << 22 # Tx / Ch DoNotScroll = 1 << 23 # Tx Comb = 1 << 24 # Tx RadiosInUnison = 1 << 25 # Btn RichText = 1 << 25 # Tx CommitOnSelChange = 1 << 26 # Ch @classmethod def attributes(cls) -> Tuple[str, ...]: """ Get a tuple of all the attributes present in a Field Dictionary. This method returns a tuple of all the attribute constants defined in the FieldDictionaryAttributes class. These attributes correspond to the entries that are common to all field dictionaries as specified in the PDF 1.7 reference. Returns: A tuple containing all the attribute constants. """ return ( cls.TM, cls.T, cls.FT, cls.Parent, cls.TU, cls.Ff, cls.V, cls.DV, cls.Kids, cls.AA, ) @classmethod def attributes_dict(cls) -> Dict[str, str]: """ Get a dictionary of attribute keys and their human-readable names. This method returns a dictionary where the keys are the attribute constants defined in the FieldDictionaryAttributes class and the values are their corresponding human-readable names. These attributes correspond to the entries that are common to all field dictionaries as specified in the PDF 1.7 reference. Returns: A dictionary containing attribute keys and their names. """ return { cls.FT: "Field Type", cls.Parent: "Parent", cls.T: "Field Name", cls.TU: "Alternate Field Name", cls.TM: "Mapping Name", cls.Ff: "Field Flags", cls.V: "Value", cls.DV: "Default Value", } class CheckboxRadioButtonAttributes: """Table 8.76 Field flags common to all field types.""" Opt = "/Opt" # Options, Optional @classmethod def attributes(cls) -> Tuple[str, ...]: """ Get a tuple of all the attributes present in a Field Dictionary. This method returns a tuple of all the attribute constants defined in the CheckboxRadioButtonAttributes class. These attributes correspond to the entries that are common to all field dictionaries as specified in the PDF 1.7 reference. Returns: A tuple containing all the attribute constants. """ return (cls.Opt,) @classmethod def attributes_dict(cls) -> Dict[str, str]: """ Get a dictionary of attribute keys and their human-readable names. This method returns a dictionary where the keys are the attribute constants defined in the CheckboxRadioButtonAttributes class and the values are their corresponding human-readable names. These attributes correspond to the entries that are common to all field dictionaries as specified in the PDF 1.7 reference. Returns: A dictionary containing attribute keys and their names. """ return { cls.Opt: "Options", } class FieldFlag(IntFlag): """Table 8.70 Field flags common to all field types.""" READ_ONLY = 1 REQUIRED = 2 NO_EXPORT = 4 class DocumentInformationAttributes: """Table 10.2 Entries in the document information dictionary.""" TITLE = "/Title" # text string, optional AUTHOR = "/Author" # text string, optional SUBJECT = "/Subject" # text string, optional KEYWORDS = "/Keywords" # text string, optional CREATOR = "/Creator" # text string, optional PRODUCER = "/Producer" # text string, optional CREATION_DATE = "/CreationDate" # date, optional MOD_DATE = "/ModDate" # date, optional TRAPPED = "/Trapped" # name, optional class PageLayouts: """ Page 84, PDF 1.4 reference. Page 115, PDF 2.0 reference. """ SINGLE_PAGE = "/SinglePage" ONE_COLUMN = "/OneColumn" TWO_COLUMN_LEFT = "/TwoColumnLeft" TWO_COLUMN_RIGHT = "/TwoColumnRight" TWO_PAGE_LEFT = "/TwoPageLeft" # (PDF 1.5) TWO_PAGE_RIGHT = "/TwoPageRight" # (PDF 1.5) class GraphicsStateParameters: """Table 58 – Entries in a Graphics State Parameter Dictionary""" TYPE = "/Type" # name, optional LW = "/LW" # number, optional LC = "/LC" # integer, optional LJ = "/LJ" # integer, optional ML = "/ML" # number, optional D = "/D" # array, optional RI = "/RI" # name, optional OP = "/OP" op = "/op" OPM = "/OPM" FONT = "/Font" # array, optional BG = "/BG" BG2 = "/BG2" UCR = "/UCR" UCR2 = "/UCR2" TR = "/TR" TR2 = "/TR2" HT = "/HT" FL = "/FL" SM = "/SM" SA = "/SA" BM = "/BM" S_MASK = "/SMask" # dictionary or name, optional CA = "/CA" ca = "/ca" AIS = "/AIS" TK = "/TK" class CatalogDictionary: """ Table 3.25 in the 1.7 reference. Table 29 in the 2.0 reference. """ TYPE = "/Type" # name, required; must be /Catalog VERSION = "/Version" # name EXTENSIONS = "/Extensions" # dictionary, optional; ISO 32000-1 PAGES = "/Pages" # dictionary, required PAGE_LABELS = "/PageLabels" # number tree, optional NAMES = "/Names" # dictionary, optional DESTS = "/Dests" # dictionary, optional VIEWER_PREFERENCES = "/ViewerPreferences" # dictionary, optional PAGE_LAYOUT = "/PageLayout" # name, optional PAGE_MODE = "/PageMode" # name, optional OUTLINES = "/Outlines" # dictionary, optional THREADS = "/Threads" # array, optional OPEN_ACTION = "/OpenAction" # array or dictionary or name, optional AA = "/AA" # dictionary, optional URI = "/URI" # dictionary, optional ACRO_FORM = "/AcroForm" # dictionary, optional METADATA = "/Metadata" # stream, optional STRUCT_TREE_ROOT = "/StructTreeRoot" # dictionary, optional MARK_INFO = "/MarkInfo" # dictionary, optional LANG = "/Lang" # text string, optional SPIDER_INFO = "/SpiderInfo" # dictionary, optional OUTPUT_INTENTS = "/OutputIntents" # array, optional PIECE_INFO = "/PieceInfo" # dictionary, optional OC_PROPERTIES = "/OCProperties" # dictionary, optional PERMS = "/Perms" # dictionary, optional LEGAL = "/Legal" # dictionary, optional REQUIREMENTS = "/Requirements" # array, optional COLLECTION = "/Collection" # dictionary, optional NEEDS_RENDERING = "/NeedsRendering" # boolean, optional DSS = "/DSS" # dictionary, optional AF = "/AF" # array of dictionaries, optional D_PART_ROOT = "/DPartRoot" # dictionary, optional
[docs]class OutlineFontFlag(IntFlag): """A class used as an enumerable flag for formatting an outline font.""" italic = 1 bold = 2
[docs]class PageLabelStyle: """ Table 8.10 in the 1.7 reference. Table 161 in the 2.0 reference. """ DECIMAL = "/D" # Decimal Arabic numerals UPPERCASE_ROMAN = "/R" # Uppercase Roman numerals LOWERCASE_ROMAN = "/r" # Lowercase Roman numerals UPPERCASE_LETTER = "/A" # Uppercase letters LOWERCASE_LETTER = "/a" # Lowercase letters
[docs]class AnnotationFlag(IntFlag): """See §12.5.3 "Annotation Flags".""" INVISIBLE = 1 HIDDEN = 2 PRINT = 4 NO_ZOOM = 8 NO_ROTATE = 16 NO_VIEW = 32 READ_ONLY = 64 LOCKED = 128 TOGGLE_NO_VIEW = 256 LOCKED_CONTENTS = 512
PDF_KEYS = ( AnnotationDictionaryAttributes, CatalogAttributes, CatalogDictionary, CcittFaxDecodeParameters, CheckboxRadioButtonAttributes, ColorSpaces, Core, DocumentInformationAttributes, EncryptionDictAttributes, FieldDictionaryAttributes, FilterTypeAbbreviations, FilterTypes, GoToActionArguments, GraphicsStateParameters, ImageAttributes, FileSpecificationDictionaryEntries, LzwFilterParameters, PageAttributes, PageLayouts, PagesAttributes, Resources, StreamAttributes, TrailerKeys, TypArguments, TypFitArguments, )
[docs]class ImageType(IntFlag): NONE = 0 XOBJECT_IMAGES = auto() INLINE_IMAGES = auto() DRAWING_IMAGES = auto() ALL = XOBJECT_IMAGES | INLINE_IMAGES | DRAWING_IMAGES IMAGES = ALL # for consistency with ObjectDeletionFlag